Convention Policies
General Policies
All children under the age of 13 must be accompanied by an adult at all times. An adult must be present with the child at the time of registration.
Controlled substances, alcohol, and firearms are strictly prohibited from the convention site. There is no smoking inside the convention centre or hotel, but it is permitted outside at the designated locations. Note that Fredericton bylaws state that smoking within 9 meters of a public door is prohibited.
Animaritime has a zero tolerance policy for violence and/or harassment, sexual or otherwise. Failure to comply with this rule will result in an immediate ban from the convention.
Animaritime is not responsible for your lost or stolen items. Do not leave valuables unattended.
Be respectful of the convention staff, attendees, and buildings. Disruptive behavior will not be tolerated.
Due to the size of convention event rooms, some events may require attendees to wait in line prior to admittance to the event and may result in a cap on the number of people that can attend. Please listen to and follow staff instructions in order to ensure quick and effective seating. Animaritime staff will do their best to seat everyone interested in an event, however some people may be turned away if the rooms limit is met.

Registration Policies
Pre-registration fees are non-refundable.
Upon arrival at the convention, you will be asked to sign for your badge. By signing for your badge, you are agreeing to abide by the convention rules and policies.
ID will be required to pick-up pre-registered badges (must include a photo, ie: driver's license, school ID, passport, etc). Attendees without photo ID may pick up their badges only if accompanied by a parent or legal guardian.
Any attendee wishing to attend 18+ events will be required to either present their photo ID or their 18+ stamped badge. The 18+ stamp can be obtained at the Registration Desk.
Parental consent forms may be brought in by attendees under the age of 18 but an ID with their name on it is still required to verify their identity. No pre-registrant may pick up a badge without either their parent or legal guardian physically present if they do not have a photo ID.
Badges identify you as part of the convention and are proof of purchase. They must be worn and kept visible at all times. Your legal first and last name must be written either on the front or the back of the badge.
Lost or stolen badges should be reported to convention staff immediately.
Any individual found to have forged their badge, or to have presented a fake ID will immediately have their convention privileges revoked and will be removed from the convention site.
Animaritime reserves the right to revoke your convention privileges and badge and to remove you from the convention site at any time. No refunds will be given in this event.

Costume Policies
Animaritime is a family environment. As such, we ask that you ensure that no inappropriate body parts may become visible while at the convention.
Any bottoms that run the risk of exposure (including but not limited to short shorts, tight and from fitting pants, mini skirts, or any bottoms with similar or less coverage than standard underwear) are required to take precautions in the form of hose/tights, dance belt, jockstrap, or another article that performs the same function.
Bikini or bra style tops are allowed provided that they provide adequate coverage and there is no level of potential exposure. The use of double sided tape is recommended.
Animaritime Staff reserves the right to ask anyone to modify their costume if they feel that the level of exposure, or potential level, is unacceptable. Staff will be happy to give suggestions regarding how to best modify your costume. Feel free to ask if you are concerned.
Large/bulky costumes and/or costumes that restrict the wearers vision or movement must be accompanied by an unencumbered escort (a friend is perfectly acceptable).
Any costumes involving a large amount of body paint requires a proper sealant.
Garments that may be offensive or cause disruption are not acceptable. Wearers will either be asked to cover up, remove the offensive materials or be removed from the convention.
Any props or weapons must conform to the weapons policy. Offenders will either have their prop confiscated or their convention privileges revoked at the discretion of Secure Operations.
Offenders of the costume policies will be asked to change. Repeat offenders may have their convention privileges revoked and be removed from the convention.

Props / Weapons Policies
All props/weapons must be approved and “peace bonded” by Secure Operations. A Secure Operations Officer will inspect the weapon and, on approval that it is safe for the convention, will peace bond the weapon by attaching a zip tie to the weapon. Peace bonding will not harm or damage the weapon in any way. The peace bond must stay visible at all times, and should in no way be obscured, moved, or removed from the weapon.
No real weapons will be permitted at Animaritime. This includes, but is not limited to:
Handguns, shotguns, rifles, and other real guns.
BB guns, paint ball guns, high powered water guns, etc.
Bladed weapons such as swords, knives, switchblades, etc.
Nunchucks, Tonfas, and other restricted Martial Art weapons.
Law enforcement weapons such as mace, tazers, and batons.
Any other weapon that is prohibited by applicable Canadian Laws.
Bows and crossbows are permitted, however any projectile designed to be shot from a bow or crossbow, such as arrows, bolts, etc. are prohibited.
No chemicals or explosives are permitted at Animaritime, including but not limited to fireworks, sparklers, and smoke powder.
Wooden weapons are allowed, including walking sticks and staffs. Non-realistic and self-made weaponry is allowed so long as it will not pose harm to other convention attendees. Weapon edges should be dull or blunt, and they should be able to be safely secured to the individual. All weapons, including wooden ones, still remain at the discretion of con-staff.
Any prop gun that could be mistaken for a real weapon needs to have a visible orange tip. If you paint over the tip you will be asked to remove the paint. If you have any doubts or concerns about what is "realistic looking" email security before the convention.
Any and all kinds of horseplay with weapons will not be tolerated! All weapons must be securely fastened to the owner so that other attendees will not be at risk to be struck or otherwise come in physical contact with the weapon.
Weapons are not to be drawn or wielded in large or crowded public areas. Owners found to be inappropriately handling their weapons will have their weapons confiscated by Secure Operations, only to be returned at the conclusion of the convention. The owner may be subject to further action by Secure Operations.
Large props will be subject to the same guidelines as those for weapons. Props that are found to be too large or heavy to be safely carried during the convention will be asked to be returned to the owner's car or hotel room, or held by Secure Operations.
Individuals wishing to use a restricted prop during the course of the Masquerade or during a photoshoot will be asked to demonstrate the intended use of the prop to both Secure Operations and the Masquerade Coordinator. Upon approval of the prop's use, Secure Operations will hold the prop until the time of the Masquerade and/or Photoshoot and will see to its safe delivery to and from the event.
Secure Operations Officers reserve the right to inspect any attendees' weapon/prop, peace bond, or convention badge at any time. Failure to adhere to any above guidelines may result in, but is not limited to, the following actions:
Confiscation of the weapon or prop for the duration of the convention.
Immediate loss of the privilege to carry a weapon or prop.
Removal from Animaritime and the convention site without a refund.
Any act of extreme negligence or public endangerment may result in criminal prosecution beyond the control or responsibility of Animaritime. Please remember that a large number of individuals in the community are unaware of the convention and its events, and may act in the extreme if they feel unsafe or threatened. Animaritime strongly suggests that individuals refrain from leaving the convention site with weapons or props.
All devices designed for projecting items through mechanical means (i.e. air pressure) and/or spring pressure must be rendered inert (e.g. replica guns, Airsoft products and the like, etc.). This means that the firing mechanisms within the device is either removed completely or disabled so that they are not capable of firing. Orange tips must be visible on all gun props.
The decisions of Secure Operations are final and will be strictly enforced to ensure the safety of all convention attendees and the safe environment of Animaritime.