J-Idol Rules

Animaritime 2023 J-Idol Rules
The registration process is as followed:
Your real, full name is needed for registration purposes. If you have a stage name or wish to remain anonymous please submit it with your application.
Applications will be accepted until the start of the event both online and at-convention. Note: That this is subject to change as per the J-Idol Coordinator.
Fill out all sections of the application.
All audio files must be submitted via USB sticks/drives or via email with your application.
Songs which are submitted must follow the guidelines below:
All songs must be sung in Japanese. Songs can include English but cannot be entirely in English.
Audio tracks must be karaoke or instrumental only. Lyrics must not be included.
Animaritime will not be providing any music.
If audio files are to be used, they must be submitted in .mp3 format.
Audio files must be submitted via USB sticks/drives or via email only.
USB sticks/drives will be available for collection at the end of your performance.
In the event that you do not collect your storage device it will be available for collection at the Info Desk.
Please remember to collect your USB from the judges prior to leaving the event. Any uncollected UBS will be sent to Info Desk to be collected after the event. Note that the convention is not responsible for your property.
The performance process is as follows:
Participants will be called in their class starting with Beginner < Intermediate < Advanced. The order you will be called will be random.
You have 3 - 5 minutes to perform. After 5 minutes your song will end or an alarm will sound indicating the end of your performance.
A microphone will be available for your use.
Lip-syncing is prohibited. If a participant is caught lip-syncing their performance will not be judged.
Be creative. You can dance or interact with the audience to gain more points.
While watching another performance keep:
Conversation to a minimum.
Be respectful to participants. It is hard to get up on stage.
Try to stay until the end. Moving in and out of the room is distracting.